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Heat Walks Against Me

"Ice age comin',Ice age comin',Throw 'em in the fire, Throw 'en in the fire, Throw 'em on, We're not scare-mongering, This is really happening, happening, We're not scare-mongering, This is really happening, happening, Mobiles squirking, Mobiles chirping, Take the money and run"

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

2005: In retrospect

A list of 10 really, really good things that happened in 2005
  1. Going to see Coldplay with Becs at the Reebok stadium in June.
  2. Making some groovy new friends (in Bangor and Cambridge)
  3. Living in my very first house (rented).
  4. Two super-sweet visits to London. Firstly with Jon in July and secondly with Becs in Oct.
  5. Dan and Sarah's wedding.
  6. 'Not the Grand Nationals' Ultimate Frisbee tournament in Liverpool (finished a surprise 3rd)
  7. Cambridge International Outreach (best two weeks of the year)
  8. David Finnie's sermon on Psalm 19 (the drooler!)
  9. CU houseparty in Quinta, October. And the awesome game of Mao on Sat night.
  10. England winning the Ashes and having the satisfaction of not being a 'glory-fan'.

A list of 10 really, really bad things that happened in 2005

  1. My Grandma being terminally ill and simply waiting for her to die.
  2. Having an assessed essay questioned for plagarism (I was innocent).
  3. Faber & Faber rejecting some of my poems.
  4. Hurting the lower left cartilidge in my knee (and being to stupid to see a doctor).
  5. Having a 'chat' with Cheryl.
  6. Wales winning the Grand Slam.
  7. Not being allowed into the Indoor UK Nationals (Ultimate) despite qualifying.
  8. Repeatedly getting irrate with Alex.
  9. Being forced to read feminist literature.
  10. The earthquake in Pakistan.

Listening to now: All Night Long- Lionel Ritchie.


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