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Heat Walks Against Me

"Ice age comin',Ice age comin',Throw 'em in the fire, Throw 'en in the fire, Throw 'em on, We're not scare-mongering, This is really happening, happening, We're not scare-mongering, This is really happening, happening, Mobiles squirking, Mobiles chirping, Take the money and run"

Saturday, December 10, 2005

From Jon

Seven things to do before I die
1. Procrastinate
2. Get married and procreate
3. Not be labelled 'controversial'
4. Meet Bob Dylan
5. Write a really really good poem
6. Not be consiedered generally as a joke
7. Climb Angel Falls

Seven things I cannot do
1. Be beaten on EA Rugby 2005
2. Become a Charasmatic
3. Eat a potato crisp until 2012
4. Celebrate Josef Stalin's birthday
5. Admit to liking Jimmy Eat World
6. Stop being sarcastic
7. Appreciate Arminiasm

Seven things that attract me to my spouse
all things in relationships are officialy confidential...

Seven things I say most often

1.Stop being an idiot Al
2. Anyone want a coffee?
3. No, I don't have ADHD
4. Wasn't that a sweet layout?
5. I'm fed up with the CU
6. Who's up for a game of Mao?
7. Well I get up before seven every day anyway.

Seven books (or series) I love (Bible not included)

1. Walk Two Moons
2. Captain Correli's Mandolin
3. Holiness by JC Ryle
4. Hymn to intellectual beauty
5. Hendriksen's N.T Commentaries
6. Calvin & Hobbes Almanac
7. My family and other animals

Seven movies I watch over and over again (or would watch over and over if I had the time)

1. The Waterboy
2. The O.C Series 1 & 2
3. Star Wars 4-6
4. Shrek
5. Legends of the fall
6. Gladiator
7. Spinal Tap

Seven people I want to join in, too

1. Thom
2. James
3. Mark
4. Hwee-Chong
5. Caleb
6. Bob
7. Rob Whiteway


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