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Heat Walks Against Me

"Ice age comin',Ice age comin',Throw 'em in the fire, Throw 'en in the fire, Throw 'em on, We're not scare-mongering, This is really happening, happening, We're not scare-mongering, This is really happening, happening, Mobiles squirking, Mobiles chirping, Take the money and run"

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Two whole Posts in one day because its.......

The Rich Awards 2005!!!!!

'The most vied for music awards in Bangor.'

Album of the year: Morning View- Incubus

Artist of the year: Bob Dylan

Song of the year: Play Crack Sky- Brand New

Cover of the year: High and Dry- Jamie Cullum

Video of the year: Always- Blink 182

Best Newcomer: Hobo Exile Hotel

Live album of the year:
Rage Against The Machine- Live In Mexico City

Gig of the year: Martin Grech- The Colliseum, Coventry

(Honourable mentions also go to: James Blunt, Counting Crows, Dave Matthews, Pink Floyd, Chikinki, Elbow, Guns 'n' Roses, Elton John, My Chemical Romance, U2, Idlewild, Funeral For A Friend and Delirious)


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