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Heat Walks Against Me

"Ice age comin',Ice age comin',Throw 'em in the fire, Throw 'en in the fire, Throw 'em on, We're not scare-mongering, This is really happening, happening, We're not scare-mongering, This is really happening, happening, Mobiles squirking, Mobiles chirping, Take the money and run"

Sunday, January 30, 2005

At UWB we've just started our 2005 mission week. Its very exciting and very tiring :S My apologies if i do not post for a while.


  • At 3:13 pm, Blogger Unknown said…

    I hope it goes well! I brought it up in the CU prayer meeting here in Cardiff today - we're praying for you. I look forward to hearing about it.

    I hope you're having a good time - I'm back to a normal routine after exams now, so I'm starting new modules (except for History, which has the same ones running over both Autumn and Spring semesters).

    Toodle pip! -Caleb


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