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Heat Walks Against Me

"Ice age comin',Ice age comin',Throw 'em in the fire, Throw 'en in the fire, Throw 'em on, We're not scare-mongering, This is really happening, happening, We're not scare-mongering, This is really happening, happening, Mobiles squirking, Mobiles chirping, Take the money and run"

Monday, November 28, 2005

Everyone knows that Monday's suck...

I don't have any lectures on Mondays and therefore everyone thinks that I do nothing... here's news for you... sometimes I do stuff. Seriously. Today I have to read/understand/analyse Hamlet and The first canto of Don Juan before 5 O'clock and if you've ever seen either of those publications in print then you'll know that they are both very meaty works. I can't stand having to do reading, it takes out all the enjoyment. Anyway, i'm not really doing anything else much at the moment so if I don't have anything to blog, I won't- simple as that.

Listening to now: Soco Amaretto Lime- Brand New


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