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Heat Walks Against Me

"Ice age comin',Ice age comin',Throw 'em in the fire, Throw 'en in the fire, Throw 'em on, We're not scare-mongering, This is really happening, happening, We're not scare-mongering, This is really happening, happening, Mobiles squirking, Mobiles chirping, Take the money and run"

Friday, November 19, 2004

I've just gone and bought my first every bottle of whisky... Glenmorangie Single Malt Scotch Whiskey.... quite clearly it isn't for me. I'd never touch the stuff. I chipped in with a few friends to get it for another friends birthday. He likes it. I don't understand why. But now i have hardly any money left for teh rest of term. Well i had hardly any before but thats not the point. Thankfully after this weekend i'm doing absolutley nothing. In fact i'm going to attempt to not spend a single penny next week. It'll be tough but i can do it.

My computer is completely screwed. When I switch it on it gives me a one minute shut down notice and then re-starts (after a minute) then the process happens again. I'm going to have to find out what the problem is or i'll be very upset.

Love you all.


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