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Heat Walks Against Me

"Ice age comin',Ice age comin',Throw 'em in the fire, Throw 'en in the fire, Throw 'em on, We're not scare-mongering, This is really happening, happening, We're not scare-mongering, This is really happening, happening, Mobiles squirking, Mobiles chirping, Take the money and run"

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

I've been thinking about music quite a lot recently, and have decided to come up with my definative list of albums. This is all my opinion so you can take notice of it if you want or ignore it if you want. These are the five best albums (according to me) that I own:

5) Santana- Supernatural.
This was my first Santana album and also my first introduction to a truely great non-blues guitarist. The thing that most impresses me about Santana is his ability to take virtually any genre of music and put his amazing guitar riffs over the top with positive effects. He may not have the greatest voice (nor the greatest dress sense) but that man can play the guitar. Track highlight? Smooth feat. Rob Thomas

4) Green Day- Warning.
Not the best band ever, not the greatest musicians or singers, not the greatest lyrics but when I listen to this album I can't help but sit back and relax, smile and think..... dude. Everyone knows Green Day are just this Punk Rock band with incredible names (Billy Joe and Tres Cool) that can only play about four chords but what the heck! This album is just cool and theres no other word for it. Sometimes you don't have to be a technically sound band if you make good songs. Track highlight? Macy's Day Parade (arguably Green Day's best song)

3) The Flaming Lips- Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots
This is a new album for me but after, say, 10 or so listens it rockets right up to number 3. I've known the likes of Fight Test and YBTPR part 1 for a while and whilst those are two lovely songs they aren't the jewels of the album. What I really enjoy about The Flaming Lips is their ability to use so much 'sound' , the density of their songs is almost intoxicating. Track Highlight? In The Morning Of The Magicians, magic, just magic

2) Coldplay- A Rush Of Blood To The Head
Coldplay are great. Everyone who isn't a purist, loser or maniac knows that. And as someone whos been into them pretty much from the beginning (well on a National scale anyway) I'm of the opinion that AROBTTH is the finest of their two albums. 'Parachutes' was great and everyone dobted that Coldplay would ever be able to beat it but they did. They learnt from experience and created an album that, at it's core, is still very similar to 'Parachutes' and is yet much more complex. Twelve fantastic songs that make one brilliant album. Track Highlight? Amsterdam

2) Radiohead- Ok Computer
What else can be said about this album? Nothing. So I won't. This is the greatest album I own. Track Highlight? Don't be silly, but if you really push me then the subtle and sublime Exit Music (For A Film).

Listening to now: Obvious- Blink 182


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