This week has been tough, hence the complete lack of posts. Friday was a very enjoyable day for me, I went to a small 'old-mans' pub called The Nelson with two of my friends (Rach & Rach) for a folk night. Now normally i'm not a fan of folk. Not that I dis-like it but i've never gottan into it. I went along purely to be sociable and ended up having an excellent time. The folk night basically consisted of a load of old men and women (mainly men) spontaniously playing folk songs on a variety of instruments. We whistled, clapped and clicked along for some three hours and were rewarded with sandwhiches at then end. This friday I shall be back. After Nelsons (which finished at approx 12 O'Clock) I headed over to the Welsh Evangelical Church to join a CU event called 'tea & toast' where members of the evanglism team (and any volunteers such as myself) distrubuted... well tea and toast... to people coming out of Time/Amser the Uni nightclub. When I say people I really mean drunks. It was a really fun time and I came away (at almost two) really encouraged by the responses of some of the people (drunks).
Saturday I spend partly doing an essay, partly seeing Becky and partly on a pub crawl for my friends birthday. Dressed as Gangsta's we haunted the streets of Bangor in search for more alcohol. It was more of a light jog for me, I had a bottle of Carlseberg and a pint of Guiness. And several pints of water so that by the end of the night I literally was 'bladdered'. It was a fun night and I enjoyed spending time with Stew (my friend) whom I have been seeing less and less of recently for various reasons.
The early part of this week was mainly spent doing work. I handed in my second Textual Analysis essay (an analysis of My Picture Left In Scotland by Ben Jonson) which was hard work but better than the first. I also read Hamlet and completed a two-man presentation on my own. When I say completed I also mean started. Now I ahve a day off tomorrow which I hope to spend the majority of reading at the pier.
This week I have spent many hours watching films. In a way it's sad, but you can learn a lot from a good film. A film i watched this week that I would thoroughly recommend is 'Legend of the Falls' starring Brad Pitt and Anthoney Hopkins. I won't give a critique of it (i'll leave that to the professionals) but I will say that it is the saddest film I have ever seen. I jsut wanted to hug Becky after watching it.
Tomorrow I have several CU events on which I am excited about, including nominations for next years executive!! Duh duh durrrrrrrrr :) I'd love to get involved in some way, shape or form but i guess it's up to everyone else :p
Have fun ladies and gentlemen.
"SO breaks the sun earth's rugged chains,
Wherein rude winter bound her veins;"